Coming soon


Technical level of this article / web page
Rating Symbol
Intended audience

Technical level 1 (high level / plain language used)
Technical level 2 (high level / technology terms used)
Technical level 3 (lower level working knowledge assumed)
Technical level 4 (former hands-on tech experience assumed)
Technical level 5 (current hands-on tech experience assumed)
Bad language used in this article / web page
Rating Symbol
Bad language level

No symbol? No bad language
Level 1: Probably safe for anyone with access to the Internet
Level 2: Level 1 just more of it.
Level 3: F bombs
Level 4: Lots of F bombs
Target Audience of this article / web page
Rating Symbol
Target audience

Business Analysts
Customer Service
Dev Ops
Human Resources
Executive Leadership
Technical Managers
Product Developers
Product Owners
Project Managers
QA Engineers
Software Architect
Software Creators
Software Engineers
Software Supporters
Staff Software Engineer
Technical Recruiters
Tech Support
Extra stuff
Rating Symbol
What it means

Code snippets from production code are included
In this article

    This is A Humble Genius, a brand new site by Shannon Simpson that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!
