The Soft Launch

Day 1: The Soft Launch


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Level 1: Probably safe for anyone with access to the Internet
Level 2: Level 1 just more of it.
Level 3: F bombs
Level 4: Lots of F bombs
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In this article

    A somber, reflective moment

    GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! It's alive! Live for the world to see! Holy crap what was I thinking?!?

    Ahem. (clears throat)

    Let's try that again

    On Sunday, June 30, 2024, I loaded version 0.1.0 of the humble genius theme to the site ultimately found at, and now the world can see it.

    It's 5 PM on a Sunday, and I just finished a rush version 0.2.0 to make things suck less on mobile, had a beer, and then wrote this post.

    Hi! I'm the Humble Genius! My name is Shannon. I'll be your host, here, for the foreseeable future. If you're finding me this early, this is the soft launch of my blog and website, so welcome! I have big plans and a lot of changes to the site on under way.

    I'm going to say up-front that everything in the Startup category will be written from the heart, barely edited, and sometimes after a beer. This is the most authentic me you'll get on this site. My opinion posts will be heavily edited and well thought-out, but this area is just me, unscripted.

    I'll make all the introductions and stuff the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, I have to update the main company site (which is not this one), and make banking types of things happy.

    But, today, it's the soft launch! I've been working on the theme and the graphics and the tone of the blog and website for a little over 4 weeks. I finished the "coding" on Friday, and decided today to push this all to production and turn it on for all to see today. I have some really goofy graphics, which may or may not remain on the site. I am sure that some of this will need work to look decent on a mobile device, and I replaced the banner image on the home page, but the old one is still showing up because of caching. But it's here in all it's glory, and I needed a post to commemorate the occasion.

    I still have tons of work to do, but it's a Sunday, and I drank a beer, so I'm stopping here.

    Be humble! Find your genius!
